Thursday, April 21, 2011

Richmond and North Carolina

Our time in Richmond was just that……rich with Civil War history and time with family. Alex and I both got to spend brief, but meaningful time with Paul and Tanya et al, Stella and Hart and Betsy. I was able to see my cousins, Carrington and Jack, and meet their significant others. The weather was beautiful and we were able to promise Anna “No more museums for a while” and mean it.

We made our way to North Carolina where I had a little practice commandeering the van solo while Alex made a quick trip to Ft. Benning for business. After two days in Charlotte, Alex joined us again and we made our way into the mountains again for some climbing and a visit with my cousin, Sam. The Blue Ridge Mountains reminded me a little of VT. But the mountains are higher and the rock is granite, so the climbing was awesome.

But this is really just a timeline of our last week. The real adventure presented itself as a crescendo of little repairs to the van that fortunately Alex was capable of fixing. We had leaky valves in the water system, rattling batteries, an unidentifiable clang that happens every time we hit a bump the van doesn’t like.

On our way to the Petersburg Battlefield we had the thrill of experiencing a tire blowout. Fortunately we weren’t traveling that fast and Alex kept us from careening off the road. A friendly police officer, who fortunately did not hear the litany of “Po Po, Be Cool!!” from the kids, helped us get the thing changed and gave us a lead on some local boys who sold good tires.

All of these things, I believe, were preparing us for the grand finale of last night. On a late night push to Savannah, we found ourselves on the side of the road with a van that was losing power. As we were waiting for roadside assistance, I realized all the things I’ve been grateful for this week. First and foremost, I’m grateful for my capable husband. I always knew I loved that he wasn’t a “Yellow Pages Man” but this week he proved himself more valuable than ever. I’m grateful for the GPS, nicknamed “Gina”, a gift from my parents, who’s kept us from ever getting too lost and who’s helped us find the nearest WalMart, where the camping is free and the bathrooms are usually clean. I’m grateful for the amazing camera we have, a gift from my in-laws, and the fact that I’ve managed to keep it with me at all times, something I never do.

I am grateful that the days we have chosen to climb have been free of rain, and that my children, good little soldiers that they are, can sense when Alex “gets that way” and starts his approach to the climb. They complain only a little. But most importantly, they never deny him an opportunity to climb by refusing to go any further. And they are such troopers that they always manage to find a cave and make up a game at the base of the climb that keeps them happy and entertained for hours.

So after five wonderful days, we’ve managed to get dirtier than any four people should be allowed to get. We have found ourselves in the middle of South Carolina, in a Mayberry kind of town, in a little hotel with hot showers, TV with a remote and two comfortable beds. We’ll get clean and have a good rest. And I’m grateful for that.

                                     Smores in the Blue Ridge Mountains

                                                Alex looking for a climb

                                  Tired Anna after keeping up with Dad

                       Playing archeologists in the cave at the base of the climb

                                               Gettin' towed

                                         Breakfast at the dealer

                                      Trying to create fun, still at the dealer

                                   Our main mode of transportation now


  1. I hope the van calms down and behaves. What adventures you have had.

  2. Seriously towed? Man I hope it all pans out.

  3. hope you are having a great time happy easter!

  4. hope you are having a great time, I wish you were at Easter at Gibby's.
    Love you all,

  5. It's definitely been an adventure so far! Hope the van behaves from now on :)

  6. Hang in there!!!! But hey all the pictures I have seen so far still have smiles in them. . . but I need some of you. So give that camera to Alex. Love you guys and still sounds like so much fun.
